
Showing posts from May, 2019


KAAFAL KAFAAL Kaafal is one of the extreme delicious fruit found in uttarakhand. Scientific name is Myrica Esculenta. It is not very juicy citrus fruit but the taste of this fruit is amazing with tangy sweet and sour pleasure. The red coating contains some sugary juices when chewed not fully as behind the red coat a solid seed is present which is thrown out. Kafal is the state fruit of Uttarakhand. HISSARS Most of the Uttarakhand is mountain and is blessed with variety of fruits among them wild fruits play a major role as they serve as the free energy packets for the people travelling mountains as they can be find everywhere, one of such fruit is Hisalu (wild fruit berry). Hisalu is a yellow colored small fruit which can be found mostly in summers in both Kumaon and Garhwal regions of Uttarakhand. It is also known as HISSARS .The taste of hisalu makes one to wonder as it is difficult to say hisalu taste better or nectar!,Earlier hisalu used to ripen in the month


Here a temple of  SHRI KRISHNA is also situated in tehri garhwal named SEM KAALIYA NAGRAJA MANDIR .It was made by a king of tehri named  GANGU RAMOLA. He was a atheist ,who made the temple because of his wife's demand. It was made after the lord KRISHNA returned from DWARKA .It is located at a height of 2903 mts., situated in the interior of the district, the temple of Nag Raja at Sem Mukhem is held in high esteem by the people of the area. Transport facilities are available up to Khamba Khal, a distance of 64 kms. from Tehri. One has to walk for about 7 kms. from the Khamba Khal to reach Sem. The temple is situated at the top of a hill about 5 kms. from the village Mukhem which is 2 kms. from the motor head of Khamba Khal. Accommodation is provided by the ‘Pandas’ of the village Mukhem.  Sem Mukhem Temple is one of the main attractions of Tehri-Garhwal. Sem Mukhem Temple, dedicated to Nag Raja, lies at an altitude of 2903 m above sea level at a distance of 7 km from Kham