
Showing posts from December, 2020

Bhailo Bagwal

Uttrakhand is a state whose culture is very diverse and colourful.The ritual of celebrating the festival hasbeen going on for centuries in the state.One of the festivals that cherish and brings back the culture of Uttrakhand is 'EGAAS BAGWAL'. There is a tradition of celebrating Igaas Bagwal in Uttrakhand just eleven days after Diwali.The festival is mainly ccelebrated in the Garhwal and Kumaon region of Uttrakhand. People with great fervor participate in the celebration of this festival. On this festive ocassion ,people cook traditional dishes like puri,swala and pakoris.One of the major attractions during this festival is the 'BHAILO'.Bhailo means a ropewhich is made from the bark of  trees.People set fire on one side of the rope and play with it by spinning the rope.The sight of this fire play is very captivating.Apart from that,people light candles and lamps. They very joyously sing and dance on local songs relating to Egaas diwali. It is believed thet the Veer Madh