
Showing posts from March, 2021


  Wishing you all a colourful holi. Let this Holi fill your heart and life with all the colours.  HAPPY HOLI TO ALL THE VIEWERS OF THIS BLOG!! 


  The dev dolis (Goddess palanquins) from Himalayan region  will be a major attractions in  Kumbh Mela  Haridwar, the grandest festival of Hindu faith this year. About hundred  dev dolis will reach Haridwar amidst beating of traditional drums and other musical instruments for kumbh mela where they will take holy dip in Ganga on April 25th. A rally of all the files from himalayan region will be organised on the occasion. 


From 14th March 2021, New year has started (according to hindi calendar).  In Uttarakhand, in some places, people pay a visit to their daughter's house. Their wife prepares swal and meethi puuris for their daughter 's home and for their neighborhood (to be given as a kalyo). Father or brother can serve the purpose.  In some other areas, flowers are dropped in every corridor (dehli) by young children every morning .These children pluck the flowers that are not sucked by wasp or any other insect. In return these children are offered sweets, pakoris, etc.  Sorry to all the readers for delay of this special post 🙁🙁 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY