
Showing posts from February, 2024


Bhu-Kanoon is a term translating "land law". It refers to the laws and regulations related to land ownership, use, and transfer in India. These laws govern issues such as land acquisition, land rights, land distribution and land disputes. The Bhu-Kanoon includes various acts and regulations enacted by the government to regulate land-related matters in the country. The Bhoo-Adhikar Abhiyan, also known as the Bhu Kanoon Andolan, was first applied in India in the state of Bihar in 1955. This movement fought for the rights of landless farmers and tenants by demanding land reforms and better land distribution policies. In Uttarakhand, the following measures were taken to ensure the application of the Bhumi Adhikar (Land Rights) Act, also known as the Bhoo Kanoon: 1. Awareness campaigns: Various awareness campaigns were organized to educate people about their rights and responsibilities under the Bhoo Kanoon. 2. Training programs: Training programs were conducted for government off